Thursday 5 July 2012

the japanese sea monster they called it ningen''HUMAN''

Hi there im here to blog about this creepy monster founded by japanese fishermens.they call it ningen which means ''human''.it is a very large uknown animal which bares an uncanny resemble to us.

This monster has a face and arms
The ningen is allegedly 20 to 30 meters in lenght and we may not event have to bother considering it very seriously because this cryptid seems to be nothing more than a modern Internet legend.

This monster also have nostrils and mouth that look like a fact they look like a "human"its creepy isn it?.

There are no verifiable names for the this monster. In fact, there are no names nor actual sightings, only vague reports that the creature was seen near the Antarctic Ocean by the japanese fishers.

look at the creepy pics. In case it’s not clear yet, this is little more than pure imagination (the “little more” part is that some people claim it’s real, which doesn’t make it any less unreal).

According to one account, crew members on deck observed what they initially thought was a foreign submarine in the distance. When they approached, however, it became clear from the irregular shape of the thing that it was not man-made -- it was alive. The creature quickly disappeared under water.
In any case, no convincing photographs have been made public, either because they do not exist or because, as some argue, the government does not want to invite undue scrutiny and tarnish the scientific reputation of the whale research program.

1 comment:

  1. should do some research before blogging: even US army destroyer full crew was ordered witness the thing the report is available on the net. And way more. Crytid sites detailing behavour, and also there were reports of a sighting of a pair... Don't write if you don't want to research before that...
