Friday 6 July 2012


Self-harm is a way of expressing hard feelings emotional pain,depressed and very distress.
People may injure themselves by cutting,scratching their skin,taking a drug overdose or even poison their selves.These responses may help the person to cope with his/her feelings that threaten to overwhelm them,painful emotions, such as rage, sadness, emptiness, self-hatred, fear, loneliness,broken.
Self-harm may serve a purpose .It may be a way of getting the pain out,It can also be a means of self-punishment or an attempt to gain some control over life.Afterwards, you probably feel better for just a little while But then the painful feelings return, and you feel the urge to hurt yourself again.
A person who self-harms is likely to have gone through very difficult, painful experiences as a child or young adult.They might have been neglected, separated from someone they loved, been bullied and some any other reasons.

but there are things to avoid it.The feelings of self-harm will go away after a while.If you can cope with your distress without self-harming for a time, it will get easier over the next few hours. You can:

-you can Talk to someone , if you are on your own perhaps you could phone a friend.or surf in the internet and chat
-If the person you are with is making you feel worse, go out.
-Distract yourself by going out, listening to music, or by doing something harmless that interests you.
-Relax and focus your mind on something pleasant go to your very own personal comforting place.
-Give yourself some 'harmless pain' - eat a hot chilli, or have a cold shower.
-Be kind to yourself allow yourself to do something harmless that you enjoy.
-Write a diary or a letter, to explain what is happening to you no one else needs to see it.
-think positive everytime

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